A few things that make me tick which | hope some may be able to relate to and give you a bit of insight into my life and fascinations.
“British rave culture is a huge influence in my designs, having spent most my adolescence amongst the most vibrant characters in warehouses or the most spectacularly beautiful parts of the countryside, it's quite hard for creativity not to thrive in these places of pure freedom and connection with souls and mother nature!”
I've met some of my life long friends through raving and had more connection with people on the dance floor than some people get in a lifetime. A place where any character is allowed to express themselves and where any oppression is left at the door, what a wonderful place to be!
What Fascinates me...
Psychedelic art, anything with enough detail to give you a headache, or colours as if you've stepped into a light refractor is my kind of thing. Expression through fashion fascinates me as I'm super inquisitive about how our funny little minds work as humans. Whether we like it or not we are instinctively pre-set to make a snap judgement on new people, places or situations that we come across. Fundamentally this is our intuition simply trying to apprehend any danger. Because of this we tend to see someones type of character through how they dress. And I love that fashion is a way to convey how we're feeling or our interest or allows us to simply be a walking work of art. Everything from textures to colours to shape, we have so much to play with and the possibilities are endless!
British rave culture is a huge influence in my designs, having spent most my adolescence amongst the most vibrant characters in warehouses or the most spectacularly beautiful parts of the countryside, its quite hard for creativity not to thrive, in these places of pure freedom and connection with souls and mother nature! These early days of dancing is when my ideas of designing rave/festival attire began, since then I suppose everything I've done creatively has led me to this point of finally setting up my own business to share my psychedelic vision.